Psychological Services

Psychological Services

The Selinsgrove Area School District employs one, full-time school psychologist. Mr. Justin Dively holds the school psychologists position in the school district. We spend time in all the buildings in the school district, including the Selinsgrove Elementary School, Selinsgrove Intermediate School, Selinsgrove Middle School, and Selinsgrove High School. In addition, we work with students at the Seals Den by helping with their transition to post-secondary school or work. We provide support to meet the needs of all of our students in grades kindergarten through 12th.


School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. We have specialized training in both education and mental health and know how to identify and lower barriers to learning. These barriers can include developmental or learning disabilities, behavior difficulties, teaching styles, school or classroom climate, problems at home or with friends, and mental health problems such as anxiety or depression.


School psychologists work very closely collaborating with teachers, school social workers, school counselors, administrators, and other district and non-district staff to coordinate services. This can be in the context of an IEP team, crisis response team, or general education support team.

Our goal is to collaborate with parents, school staff, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments so that all students can learn. School psychologists usually work with students individually, but also in groups. We work to address school- and district-wide issues such as bullying prevention and positive behavioral supports, as well as assisting staff with implementing academic modifications.


In the Selinsgrove Area School District, the school psychologists primary role is to evaluate students for the purpose of identifying educational strengths and needs, as well as determining eligibility for Special Education or Gifted Education services. In addition, we provide consultative services to regular education and special education teachers, serve as members on Child Study or Instructional Support Teams, are members of the districts Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) teams, and make recommendations for academic, behavior, and social-emotional interventions on behalf of our students.


Contact Us:


Mr. Justin M. Dively

(570) 372-2216


By Mail: By Fax:

500 N. Broad St. (570) 372-2240

Selinsgrove, PA 17870