Selinsgrove Elementary School has an established School Wide Positive Behavior Support Program. It provides our students and teachers with a common language and set of expectations for our students. Students go through coaching sessions at the beginning of each year and at the mid point to establish expectations in key areas, such as, the classroom, hallway, playground, cafeteria, on the school bus, at dismissal, and while participating in assemblies. We recognize students and classrooms daily for demonstrating their SEAL skills: Show Respect, Exercise Safety, Act Responsibly, and Listen to Learn. Students earn individual paper seal cents and can be turned in weekly for prizes, classes earn large, paper Seal Cents, and every ten class Seal Cents gets announced over the announcements and our “Razzle Dazzle” moves up a number on the 100 board displayed in the main hallway. One hundred “Razzle Dazzle” points earns whole school rewards, such as a movie in the gym, a dance party with Mr. Rhoads, etc.